Getting to Know Each Other in the Snow

Our First Weeks Together in the Snow – How Our Gradual Acclimatization Takes Place.

In January, it was “new year – new luck” for us. After the change of provider, we find ourselves in a new group composition. Together, we are starting our gradual acclimatization – the team, the children, their families, and the location all play a significant role. We are all getting to know each other and getting comfortable together. And that’s a good thing. Because this winter has already brought us some cold days and covered our place with snow. On these days, it’s wonderful that we can sit by the fire and enjoy ourselves, for example, with delicious campfire bread. As for what else becomes our “daily bread,” we will discover it together. And we will share it with you here as well.


First Date in Merchweiler

It was already marked prominently on the calendar – the first date in and with Merchweiler, where in 2025, it’s not just about opening a new daycare center, but the #DaycareofTomorrow! What exactly this is meant to be, you will find out in this article.

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Guided Tour in Laaber

Thank you to everyone who attended, and a special thanks to the Ziegaus family, who passionately made the farm world come alive for both young and old visitors.

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