Shared joy is double joy

To every new beginning, there is a magic inherent...

Spring enchants us every year with the feeling of new beginnings. We are celebrating it particularly this year, as it is our first spring together. Since January, we are the Waldkinder (Forest Children) here in Tegernheim in this constellation: as a littlebigFuture institution and with the current team and group composition. We celebrated this with all of you! There were good reasons for it:

For the journey up to this point was a bit like an adventure course, challenging both young and old visitors to celebrate the day. The team, parents, and families were uncertain about the future throughout last autumn and winter. It was only shortly before the turn of the year that it became clear: we can continue here at this beautiful place on the Hohe Linie for the kindergarten community – under new management. That’s where we are now, and we want to look ahead together.

For this reason, the celebration on March 10th was a good starting point. Our facility manager, Gudrun, was particularly delighted that for the first time, everyone in the forest came together: the children, their parents and families, the educational team, and other staff members from the organization – simply the entire kindergarten community. They all prepared and invited guests together – anyone who wanted to get to know us and each other.

To our joy, Frau Kaiser from the youth welfare office and Mayor Herr Kollmannsberger of Tegernheim also followed the invitation and opened the celebration with his speech. After Michael, our CEO, warmly welcomed everyone, he was the first to venture onto the tightrope and master the course with the support of the children. Before that, he had already attached the new signs of the institution in his business overalls (check it out!). Fortunately, he does not shy away from tackling big tasks. The takeover in Tegernheim was one such task – as confirmed by the mayor in his speech.

However, there were not long speeches on this afternoon. The team simply created a relaxed atmosphere for visitors to engage in conversations. For all guests, there was also a warming fire, where the children made stick bread. Despite the still chilly temperatures, we could already hear the first ideas of spring sprouting from the conversations. And we are sure they will grow wonderfully in the forest! Besides, it started raining right after that. But only after all the guests had gone home.


The EPGlinos are KoKita!

Learning from and with each other: The EPGlinos have been a consultation center for digital media in daycare from the beginning, and we are already very proud of our team! This week, we really got started, and the first grade class visited us. We are very excited about the journey ahead and curious about all the possibilities this will bring!

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The clever foxes in the office.

“The excursion idea came about because a child wanted to go on a trip where we would ride the bus and train for a loooong time.” And what destination did the clever foxes from the Waldkinder Herrieden choose? Our sponsor office in Nuremberg! Get ready for a different kind of office day and enjoy reading the adventure report from our young authors and watching our new YouTube video!

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