On the go at the ConSozial

“Moving forward together!” With the motto of the ConSozial trade fair in Nuremberg, we were definitely there last week! “There is still much to be done,” Anke also believes.
So, now this goes into the pan.

Levi stands by the stove with green leaf clippings, about to slide them from the cutting board into the pot. This ingredient looks somewhat strange. Me: “What do you have there?” Him: “My daffodil.” A meaningful event from our educational routine, experienced and narrated by Barbara from our educational professional team. I look around: the
Seeing the World through the Eyes of Children

Lived Participation – How Children Become Designers of Their Own Daycare. A meaningful event from our everyday pedagogical life, experienced and narrated by Barbara from our pedagogical team. Parkplatz hustle and bustle at the forest children’s place. Arriving. Laughing. Playing. The children gather in a circle and sing their welcome song. The morning sun captures