Snails, foxes, rabbits, and polar bears are a team.

The forest children have been under the sponsorship of littlebigFuture gGmbH since February 1, 2022.

A polar bear in the forest?

And that fits perfectly. It’s because he’s sprung from the logo of our new provider: littlebigFuture gGmbH. The independent and non-profit provider is a perfect match for us. Because we share a common goal: to empower our children for the future. These three objectives are particularly in focus at littlebigFuture:

  • Creating awareness for sustainability
  • Promoting healthy growth in and with nature
  • Unleashing the potential of children’s creativity and digital fluency as Digital Natives

In our forest, many of these aspects are already lived. We are looking forward to everything new that comes along. That’s why we celebrated the beginning of the provider’s responsibility on February 1, 2022, with the children. And we asked them what a provider is. Their answer: Our cart is our provider. A good thought, because the cart, like the provider, is an important support in our kindergarten everyday life. Accordingly, our children really celebrated the occasion. After all, the provider should know what it’s getting into. The Japanese knotweed, which the children were allowed to burn with Caro, crackled in the bonfire like a real fireworks display.

The children also had some wishes for the new provider: little polar bear hats, a big movie screen, and adults who help build a camp. And regular exchanges with the “fest nette” (firmly nice) littlebigFuture team – in the forest or digitally. We are open to everything.

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