Groundbreaking for our first home daycare
Even though it may look very formal here: Starting from autumn 2023, this place will come alive! Others will dig, build, tinker, screw, and hammer!
Even though it may look very formal here: Starting from autumn 2023, this place will come alive! Others will dig, build, tinker, screw, and hammer!
With the groundbreaking ceremony for the company-affiliated daycare center “EPGlinos” in Boppard, we took a significant step towards the daycare center of tomorrow last week. Michael, our founder and CEO (2nd from the right), rightly beams like a happy child.
With the Ehrhardt Partner Group, we have found a partner who invests in the future of our children together with us and brings our littlebigFuture concept to life.
Bring life to the place too: Whether it’s a daycare center or a workplace – get in touch with us now. Find out where you are needed on our job page
Even though it may look very formal here: Starting from autumn 2023, this place will come alive! Others will dig, build, tinker, screw, and hammer!
It’s September, and our forest kindergartens are starting a new round. We welcome several new team members, and soon the EPGlinos will also move into our first main daycare center. For us, this time is characterized by the motto of “anEINanderGEWÖHNUNG,” but what does that actually mean concretely?
Children’s eyes and lanterns! In all our daycares, the Festival of Lights or St. Martin’s Day was celebrated differently, because here too, it means: the children have it in their own hands!
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