„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
26. February 2024
“The excursion idea arose because a child wanted to go on a trip where we would ride the bus and train for a looong time.” And what destination did the clever foxes from the Waldkinder Herrieden choose? Our sponsor office in Nuremberg! Get ready for a different kind of office day and have fun reading the adventure report from our young authors and watching our new YouTube video!
When Aline, the daycare director of Waldkinder Herrieden, told us about the clever foxes’ idea, we were immediately excited and had plenty of ideas in mind about what we could show the children in the office and make our everyday work experience tangible for them. Together with the children, Aline, and our office colleagues, we prepared a lot, planned, and exchanged voice memos and videos. On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, we were ready and excited to welcome the children to our office after our visits to the forest!
You can read about how the day went for the Waldkinder and what they experienced and learned in Nuremberg from the children’s perspective (with the help of Aline) here:
The excursion idea came about because a child wanted to go on a trip where we would ride the bus and train for a looong time. ‘Our moms drove us to Ansbach train station.’ All the Clever Foxes met there. First, we had to buy a train ticket. We looked at the boards to find where our train number was. S4! The arrow showed us which platform the train was on. Then we walked there and got on the S4. The journey was nice. We saw ‘other trains, train stations, solar panels in the meadow generating electricity, …’ We also had breakfast on the train. Then we stopped at many stations. We listened carefully to every announcement. Then it was Nuremberg Central Station. We got off, and Hannes greeted us right away. We were surprised. And suddenly, Manuel was behind us with the camera. We went down the stairs and got on the subway. And then we took the tram. Then we walked to the office.
On the way, we saw Manu and Verena in the parking lot. And then we rang the littlebigFuture button. We went in, and there were lots of people. Hannes, Verena, Manu, the boss, Olivia, Manuel, Rebecca. There were lots of doors in the office. There were lots of sofas, and there were delicious things to eat on the tables. Then we got bananas, apples, and grapes to eat. And they just hid the Smarties in the kitchen. But we still saw them. That was annoying because we wanted to snack on Smarties. After eating, we wrote our name tags and then went to many offices. And the first office was a storage room. There were lots of magnetic balls in it. Then we went to the boss’s office. There was a robot, Pepper. It was off, and the boss turned it on. The robot just chattered and talked to us, but only one sentence. Before that, it just looked around. That was funny. We also went to Rebecca’s office. We got to set up a kindergarten there. We decorated the room very colorful. We put lots of toys in and only a few pieces of furniture. We cut them out of catalogs. And we chose the flooring. But the catalog we looked at didn’t have the card game ‘UNO’ in it.
But then we still ordered the card game from Artur and the book ‘The Lion Inside’. Then Artur put the game in the shopping cart. Then he went to the checkout and paid. Artur did it on the computer. Before that, we had to tell him where it needed to be sent. To Bärenloch 1a, Waldkinder Herrieden. We are curious to see if it will end up in our kindergarten mailbox.
In one office, we got to draw on the big board, like in school. There we could raise and lower the desk. That was fun and we liked it a lot. Then we said goodbye in that office. Then we went to a video room. There was a bright green wall. You could imagine where you wanted to be, and then you were snapped there. We wished ourselves into space and the land of plenty, the fairy-elf meadow, and to the ninjas. We stood in front of the green wall and played fairies or showed each other planets. That was soooo funny. And Hannes can do magic, with a snap we were in the land. And we were in Nicole’s office. She explained to us what she works on and what kindergartens are joining littlebigFuture. It was a bit complicated what Nicole works on. Then a few kids went to the kitchen. There were the Smarties and a stove and a coffee machine. And the magnet balls that were in the storage room were hanging on the fridge. In between, we were outside because we had to run sometimes.
In the end, Michael, the boss, sat down at the children’s table and stamped our certificates for our office internship. Then we got a small notebook. There was colored paper inside. And we also got a pen. With our certificates, we took a photo with everyone. Then we said goodbye to everyone and walked back to the tram and drove back, just the other way around as we came. We were very tired when our parents picked us up at Ansbach train station. It was a very exciting day.
We’re delighted that the clever foxes embarked on the exciting journey from the forest through the urban jungle to visit us along with Little! It’s great that they enjoyed the day so much and could take away many new impressions with them to the forest! Now they know exactly what we do in the office when we accompany a new project of theirs with the camera, someone from the office discusses something with their parents on the phone, or they order something new for the daycare. Thanks for the superb report that they wanted to write afterward!
Would you like to experience the day almost as if you were there? Then check out our new YouTube video. Would you like to read more about the projects of the Waldkinder Herrieden and stay up to date? Then feel free to visit our facility page and subscribe to our social media channels.
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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