„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
The forest children are delighted about the subsidy for expanding their wild bee paradise.
In April, the forest children were one of five forest kindergartens in East Bavaria to receive a donation of 1200 euros from the proceeds of a pre-sale campaign for the Romantic Christmas Market at Schloss Thurn und Taxis. Despite the market being canceled in 2021 due to the pandemic, organizer Peter Kittel raised money for a good and sustainable cause.
This is the second time that the “Wild Bee Meadow” project has benefited from the donation. The project was launched about two years ago with the first donation. Children, parents, educators, the community, and various partners from the region actively contributed to creating a valuable habitat for wild bees and other insects.
At the same time, a lively recreational and educational space has been developed on the premises above the sports field, which is already being enjoyed by families. Here, children can play, relax, enjoy nature, and learn about our environment.
The forest kindergarten aims to continue pursuing this goal, with ongoing maintenance of the areas being an integral part of the educational work with children and parents.
With the donation, the project can now be expanded. Child-friendly display boards will be created to provide more information about the living conditions of insects to young and adult visitors.
Thanks to the support of the Deutsche Wildtierstiftung, the seven display boards have already been designed. The funds received will now be used for printing the visual materials.
However, what is still needed are stands to mount the display boards. The forest children are reaching out to the local community for support. They are looking for potential cooperation partners or skilled individuals who can assist in the construction and installation of the stands.
If you can help with this endeavor, please contact Anke Wolfram at: Phone: 0176 / 83039091 Email: awolfram@littlebigfuture.de
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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