„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
Oops, where do the old hares and the sly foxes jump to?
The daycare year is coming to an end today and in Herrieden and Tegernheim it was also a very special one: the first educational year of the forest children there! Congratulations on everything you have accomplished so far! Today, however, we are talking about the main characters: the old hares and the sly foxes. Because in the forest kindergartens it was “time to get out”.
Time to get out? That means celebrations at which everyone remembers the kindergarten year and the time they spent together, and the preschoolers celebrate again before they are symbolically thrown into their new phase of life. How exciting such a transition is!
“But what should our own personal celebration actually look like?” the older children asked themselves and planned together how they wanted to organize the whole thing.
This looked very individual in each of our daycare centers: In Tegernheim, we went on an adventurous night hike with an overnight stay (including fireflies and sleeping through the night! :D), there were lots of delicious pancakes and a big summer party full of exciting games such as a flying playground, a treasure hunt and a specially planned and created children’s craft station by the clever foxes. A special highlight: each of the older children received a lovingly designed photo album from their families about their time at the daycare center!
The old hares in Pielenhofen got a little rained on during their overnight stay in the forest – but anyone can do that when the weather is nice! The group came up with an alternative solution together and grabbed the porch instead of the tree house for their adventure – the group was very proud the next morning! The following day, they sang rehearsed songs to their parents and presented their findings from this year’s water project. “What kind of tracks did I leave in the forest anyway?” Anke told the children together at the ceremonial school bag handover.
And then it was finally time for the rite of transition, even with a few tears: “Are you ready for school?” “Yes!” the old hares shouted and the parents carried them on their hands together a little closer to school time! Matthias from the forest parents also wanted to do that 😀 Well maybe next year – because all families stay with smaller siblings of the Kita and the old hares stay connected to the forest.
“We want sausages in a robe!” the clever foxes in Herrieden knew right away when it came to planning. At the campfire they lit themselves, they celebrated together with delicious herbal lemonade. But such a big scavenger hunt in the forest also makes you hungry! Our polar bear little was there live and also discovered the barefoot path, a homemade bird house and lots of beautiful pictures from our daycare days.
We were able to experience the proud, touched and excited atmosphere in Pielenhofen live and are very happy with all our forest kindergartens! We wish the old hares and smart foxes an exciting, great start to school (always remember: I am somebody. And yes, I can!) and all the other children wonderful vacations!
If you want to experience the ejection in Pielenhofen a little bit and also see some impressions from Herrieden and Tegernheim, have a look at our new YouTube video below the article.
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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