„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
After the garden harvest was already abundant, the forest children in Herrieden have now turned their attention to the sweet fruits – or rather sour? In any case, there were plenty of apples and pears, and part of them were made directly into juice.
What an exciting year! First, the area in front of the shelter was transformed into a beautifully landscaped multi-tiered garden bed. You can read and see more about it in the previous blog post.
And just as we approach Harvest Festival, the next exciting tasks are already waiting. Right next door – at the Fruit and Gardening Club. Here, the children were allowed to harvest to their heart’s content. The good ones in the bucket, the bad ones in the compost. With the help of parents and a few helpful tools, in the end, there were 140kg of apples and 20kg of pears.
Part of the apples were taken by the children for pressing, and the other part was processed on-site. Washed, chopped, and pressed – and enjoyed thoroughly in the end! But only a little for each, so no one gets a stomach ache. And the realization of the day – Fresh apple juice is pretty sour.
What else can be made from apples? That’s currently being explored!
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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