„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
18. November 2023
An obstacle for starting kindergarten? Not for the EPGlinos! While the outdoor area is still developing, the children have already fully settled in indoors after the kindergarten opened at the end of September.
In the mornings, they often peek at the large windows to see if anything has changed at the construction site or watch the construction workers: so exciting, what they’re all tinkering with! The remaining boxes go in the trash? Nope, you can build great caves and cardboard houses out of them.
The acclimatization is in full swing in Boppard-Buchholz: many milestones have been mastered together, like the first meals and nap times; initial rituals like singing circles have developed, and a trust relationship has formed between the children and the educators, allowing them to live the daycare routine together independently. The new children have quickly integrated into the groups, friendships have been formed, and the nursery children even go to play in the older children’s daycare area or go for walks outside with the Turtle buses. In the new building, every day is a colorful discovery tour for the children – imagination knows no bounds here, and everyday objects are creatively repurposed for play. Do I want to paint, craft, bake, sing, dance, explore, build, or – oh, what’s this? The wall is magnetic, it needs to be explored right away! And when Gemma asks, “Would you like to have your breakfast now?” the first children already understand and rush to the children’s bistro.
Most children have already completed the process entirely (see schedule), some are close to it or still in the middle. Each child at their own pace! We understand successful acclimatization as a slow development in which all participants move together and contribute their part. At the beginning, when everything around them is new, parents are the safe harbor for the children and actively shape the acclimatization process together. Over time, children become more independent, but parents will remain important partners as experts on their children throughout their time at daycare, and we look forward to the exchange! At the EPGlinos, parents are involved from the beginning alongside accompanying their children, for example, in the lantern workshop and St. Martin’s celebration, and the first parents’ evening has taken place. During the initial period, they also have the flexible option to work from the daycare center, allowing them to be there for their child if needed. Thank you for your trust and commitment!
We enjoy spending time with the children immensely, witnessing their (together) growth, the sparkle in their eyes, their curiosity, and their ongoing development, and we look forward to everything that is yet to come!
If you would like to know more, here is our acclimatization concept.
Most children have already completed the process entirely, some are close to it or still in the middle. Each child at their own pace! We understand successful acclimatization as a slow development in which all participants move together and contribute their part. At the beginning, when everything around them is new, parents are the safe harbor for the children and actively shape the acclimatization process together. Over time, children become more independent and self-reliant, but parents will remain important partners as experts on their children throughout their time at daycare, and we look forward to the exchange! At the EPGlinos, parents are involved from the beginning alongside accompanying their children, for example, in the lantern workshop and St. Martin’s celebration, and the first parents’ evening has taken place. During the initial period, they also have the flexible option to work from the daycare center, allowing them to be there for their child if needed. Thank you for your trust and commitment!
We enjoy spending time with the children immensely, witnessing their (together) growth, the sparkle in their eyes, their curiosity, and their ongoing development, and we look forward to everything that is yet to come!
If you would like to know more, here is our acclimatization concept.
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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