Info Evening in Boppard

From the outside, it has been visible for some time: Here in Boppard at the EPG location, we are building the future together. Through the initiative and close collaboration with Ehrhardt Partner Group, we are creating new educational and childcare spaces for the children of employees and families from the region.

Save the FIRST date!

Now you can take a first glimpse: During the Information Evening on January 31, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM at the EPG premises, we will bring our project to life for you. Whether you are parents, professionals, educational representatives (aren’t we all?), or interested citizens – at this event focused on our new facility EPGlinos, you can get to know us and our daycare concept. We, the littlebigFuture team, will introduce our management team, which has been working passionately for Boppard for months. We will shed light on all aspects of the upcoming facility: you will get a first impression of how the building, rooms, and outdoor areas will be designed. And – most importantly – our educators will show you how we will breathe life into the daily routine starting from autumn. Learn about the focal points we work on as a provider, the central role of the child’s perspective approach, and how we harmonize nature experience and digitalization. In addition, EPGlinos has two other exceptional features: education and bonding work are carried out in multiple languages. As a bilingual facility, our team accompanies the children and their families not only in the German language but also with the help of English-speaking professionals.

Research-based learning is at the center of our pedagogy – therefore, we aim to obtain the MINT certification “Haus der kleinen Forscher” (House of Little Researchers) for EPGlinos. To ensure a smooth transition for both big and little researchers, we emphasize the importance of our “AnEINanderGEWÖHNUNG” (gradual acclimatization) – and we will dedicate time and space to this topic during the Information Evening. We will also address formalities such as registration, placement, and childcare fees on this evening, and we will be available to answer all your questions. However, our invitation is not only for parents; we also want to give interested professionals a sense of what it means to work with us and for us. We are looking forward to the exchange and establishing the first connections for our new network here in the Rhein-Hunsrück district. Join us in large numbers!

A big thank you goes to our partner EPG for the strong collaboration and support concerning the Information Evening.