„Alte Hasen“ lernen von Löwen
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
12. February 2024
Unicorns, ladybugs, dragons, knights, or witches – in our daycare centers, the Carnival days were colorful, fun, and exuberant. What did the children wish for at their celebrations, and were there possibly any surprises? And Lani from the team in Pielenhofen shares the Carnival celebration story of the forest children .
What is needed for the children’s dream Carnival party?
Music and dancing were quickly decided upon, of course dressing up however they want, colorful balloons, and garlands! Snatching pretzel and apple rings, a conga line, and a treasure hunt were what the children in the forest daycare centers desired, and at the EPGlinos, face painting, freeze dance disco, and a costume show were on the wish list.
The children’s highlights of the Carnival celebrations
While the children in Herrieden were completely captivated by the Carnival puppet theater and danced, in the forest in Pielenhofen, many different mystical creatures met and celebrated together. In Tegernheim, there was diligent decoration crafting beforehand, and the crepe tape dance was very popular, and at the EPGlinos, our educator Giovanni surprised everyone with a magic show! The children were totally thrilled and couldn’t stop marveling.
Yesterday in our rainy forest, things got quite colorful, loud, funny, and even a bit spooky. It’s well known that many mystical creatures roam the forest, but we rarely get to see them. So, it was all the more impressive when, on the occasion of a Carnival party that had apparently become the talk of the town, so many revealed themselves to us at once. There were witches and unicorns, (lucky) princesses and angels. But ghosts, vampires, and dragons also mingled among us. We were quite relieved to have all the knights, ninjas, and even heroes like Robin Hood rush to our aid to protect our beautiful kindergarten. Although, in the end, that wasn’t necessary at all. Thanks to all the fun, the music, and the funny games, there was peace and harmony among all the beings. With limbo, pretzel snatching, and even a big treasure hunt that led to all our favorite forest spots, it’s no wonder! Probably the numerous colorful dishes also contributed to calming the spirits! Besides vegan sausage sandwiches, there was a real feast for little and big sweet tooths! Lemon cake, chocolate lentils, gummy bears, mini doughnuts, and even a rainbow cake from the unicorn! Normally, you wouldn’t find so much sweetness in our forest, but when the children create the menu and participation is as big a deal as it is with us, it can look like that.
The good mood was, of course, also carried by making music and dancing together. Before the celebration in the forest gradually came to an end, one or the other had a wild ride on the unruly broom of the local dark witch. It was a day that will surely be remembered for a long time and once again proved that no little weather can dampen our spirits!
Unsere „Alten Hasen“ im Wald sind zwar schon länger dabei, lernen aber nie aus. Diesmal durften sie von einem Löwen lernen: Nach dem zweitägigen Resilienztraining
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