Hiking together is the most enjoyable.

Familien wandern zusammen mit der Kita in der Natur

Over 30 families and the EPGlinos team gathered last Friday for Family Hiking Day. In the end, nearly 100 (big and small) people joined the invitation. In the best weather, the hiking group, equipped with strollers, wagons, balance bikes, snacks, provisions, and picnic blankets, set off. We wandered through forests and across meadows, passing cows

Trees grow with children.

Mit kleinem Bagger und Schaufel wird ein Baum gepflanzt

An action as obvious as sustainable – a tree for every forest child. Thus, in Herrieden, the ‘forest’ of tomorrow is being created, in collaboration with the city and the Middle Franconia Landscape Conservation Association. Okay, maybe not a real forest, but an orchard with fruit trees is planned here. To the northwest of Kienberg

Create more positivity and generate a positive impact!

We’re exploring new financing avenues – are you in? There’s something in it for all of us in the end! With an investment starting from just 100 euros, you can participate in the crowd loan. Let’s shape the future together. Today invest in the daycare of tomorrow – for your return and social impact. Together

Decorated, Made up, In costume

Unicorns, ladybugs, dragons, knights, or witches – in our daycare centers, the Carnival days were colorful, fun, and exuberant. What did the children wish for at their celebrations, and were there possibly any surprises? And Lani from the team in Pielenhofen shares the Carnival celebration story of the forest children . What is needed for

Kick-Off in Schiffweiler

In Schiffweiler, it’s getting real! We’re making it happen together with the planners and the community. On February 1st, the planners, together with us and the Schiffweiler community, were on-site at the property, and they were quite impressed. Just as much as by the subsequent constructive cooperation with all representatives from the community and the

Cooking by Colors

Since the beginning of the year, Sarah Henke and Christian Eckhardt from the Lemabri Restaurant have been cooking for the EPGlinos. The menu features creative, balanced, and high-quality fresh cuisine: What’s behind it, what’s on the plate in the children’s bistro, and what are their takeaways from the first few weeks? In December 2023, Sarah

Getting a Taste in Tegernheim

Get to know our team and our home in the forest – we look forward to your visit. In our blog, you can already find insights into our daycare daily life. Get to know our team and our home Previous Next MORE EXCITING CONTRIBUTIONS To the overview

Pre-Christmas Season in the Daycares


From plenty of snow fun and forest Christmas decorations to designing Advent calendars and visits from Santa Claus, to Christmas baking and crafting workshops, it had everything!