On the go at the ConSozial
“Moving forward together!” With the motto of the ConSozial trade fair in Nuremberg, we were definitely there last week! “There is still much to be done,” Anke also believes.
We often agree – but time and again we don’t. Yet, at the bottom of our hearts there are many things that unite us. First and foremost, the desire to try something new. And a large dose of confidence.
We can appreciate that there are not only apples, there are also pears – and that they all help to keep the energy flowing. And in the right direction to boot: in high-quality education for all children.
We all live in a complex world. And are looking for answers to the questions of today. This is not easy at all and rarely “right” and “wrong”. We draw on our experiences and previously thought thoughts and try to look all the way into the future. Whether we really “say sooth” here, we do not know. And yet we want to remain thirsty for knowledge and hungry for education. Every day.
We don’t mean the daily spirit when we get up (or are gotten up by our children). And yet, every day when we get up, we know why we are doing this.
That’s what unites us: we all love (our children, of course, and) the tomorrow. Just not all of us love the mornings – that’s where we differ. But once we are awake, we look forward to what is to come.
We are looking in the same direction with confidence, but from very different perspectives. For education needs each and every one of us. Some are good with children, others with numbers or pictures and words: with all of our unique skills and experiences – and with the children – we shape our educational spaces. Maybe soon together with you?
Regardless of which superpower we bring to the table, we won’t get far on our own. That’s why we involve all of you (m/f/d): the parents, the employees of the city or municipality, local organic farmers, or schools/universities: we tackle education together. And with new ideas. This is what we want to find. That’s why we’re stepping out of the house – and out of our comfort zone. We are curious to see what and whom we might encounter. For example, you!
This is how Gudrun and her team described us after switching to us as sponsors (after the first celebration together). For us, the greatest of all compliments. We also struggle with the conditions in education, for sure – and sometimes even with ourselves. But we much prefer to laugh together, with the children, and yes, sometimes at ourselves. We admit: some of us come from a time when bad jokes were considered good form. So we also still have a lot to learn. And it is worth getting up every morning for that alone.
We do not want to teach our children anything. We want to accompany them as they explore, discover and experience. Regardless of whether they are understanding nature or exploring digital space: We make sure that they feel safe and secure with us and find exciting stimuli.
We do not take our children by the hand. We let them guide us. Based on the children’s perspective approach (“Kinderperspetivenansatz”) and our orientation towards natural space education (“Naturraumpädagogik”), we focus on the following in our day care centres:
Creativity & responsibility in digital space
Learn more about our educational concept:
Download pedagogical concept
Or dive into our everyday educational life with us and the children:
“Moving forward together!” With the motto of the ConSozial trade fair in Nuremberg, we were definitely there last week! “There is still much to be done,” Anke also believes.
What do “forest musicians,” rock music, and senior citizens have in common? You will find out from our social media manager Verena, who accompanied the event in Herrieden for you.
Levi stands by the stove with green leaf clippings, about to slide them from the cutting board into the pot. This ingredient looks somewhat strange.
The 2030 Agenda
We are not going to save our world overnight. And we won't tackle all 17 Global Goals at the same time. That's why we are working on those ToDo’s (or YouDo’s, as we like to call them) first and foremost. To the best of our knowledge and belief that there are still many of you out there who are doing their part.Our daycare centres are the heart of our work. Here, children and adults bring our pedagogy to life.
We have already set out with these first childcare institutions.
Little by little, new daycare centres will be added – all over Germany.
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